Spend and Debt update: Week 2 – Monday 11th March to Sunday 17th March

Week 2 – Monday 11th March to Sunday 17th March 

Ok, so I did terribly on my ‘only 2 purchased coffees per week’ challenge! Epic Fail this week. I was travelling for work to complete some rather intensive training, so I think this may have had something to do with pushing my coffee quota up!!

Total Income (this was my week between pays so zero income)

  • $0.00

Spending / Expenses:

(Amounts in italics are included in my regular monthly expense budget as listed in this previous post)

  • Monday: $25.00 clothes, $3.00 groceries
  • Tuesday: $4.90 – coffee
  • Wednesday: $3.80 coffee, $7.90 groceries
  • Thursday: $0.00
  • Friday: $4.20 magazine, $4.40 coffee
  • Saturday: $23.85 Breakfast (me and mum), $7.00 groceries, $5.95 DVD rental
  • Sunday: $40.00 tithe, $4.00 coffee, $10.00 gift for friend

Total Expenses / spend: $144.00

Week 2 Summary

Income $0 less expenses $144.00 = $58.00 in bank account

Week 2 debt status

Credit card #1 – $1627.12

Credit card #2 – $4826.67

Personal loan – $7397.57

Total Debt : $13, 851.36

Initial Debt$14, 744.12

Debt reduced in week 2:  $0.00 (remember that I make all my debt repayments on my pay date – which wasn’t this week)

2 thoughts on “Spend and Debt update: Week 2 – Monday 11th March to Sunday 17th March

  1. You are not a bad person for going over your budget/limit for coffee. Not a total epic fail, at least you tried your hardest to keeping your goal of two coffees but just couldn’t get to it. This week is A New Week and I see fitting to try that goal again! I loved your post and will be posting my expenses from this weekend!!

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